Understanding Psychosis: Unveiling the Layers and Building Bridges
Virtual event
Date and time:
Mar 06, 2024
12:00 AM – 1:30 ET
11:00AM CT · 10:00AM MT · 9:00 PT
Ashley Pena, LCSW, Executive Director, Mission Connection
This presentation will encompass a comprehensive understanding of psychosis. aiming to deepen knowledge to enhance insight into this complex mental health condition. By delving into the layers of psychosis, individuals will gain an understanding of its various manifestations, contributing factors, and treatment options. Additionally, this presentation will prioritize the development of en1pathy and effective communication strategies for engaging with individuals experiencing psychosis through an intervention called LEAP. This holistic perspective advocates for addressing not only the sy1npton1s of psychosis but also considering the broader social, environmental, and personal factors that contribute to an individual’s well-being.
Learning Objectives:
1. Gain in-depth insights into various layers of psychosis
2. Gain empathy and effective communication strategies to create a supportive environment for those affected by psychosis
3. Explore and discuss holistic approaches to treatment and manage1nent of psychosis
Amber White